Plants for upgrading to biomethane and for its injection into the natural gas mains
Everything you need to convert biogas into biomethane.

Biomethane – energy and respect for the environment
The conversion of biogas into biomethane, i.e. into a gas that is of the same quality as natural gas, makes it possible to use biogas in many fields, and not just for the generation of electricity.
Biomethane, in fact, may be injected into natural gas transport and distribution networks, which in Italy are particularly dense, or compressed and transported in cylinder trailers, or even liquefied and converted into LNG; it may be used to heat homes or industrial spaces, for the generation of electricity in high-efficiency co-generators, or as transport fuel.
Carbotech Gas Systems offers upgrading systems with Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology. A tried and tested system (the first plant was built in 1992), characterised by low electricity self-consumption, no need for heating and no need to manage chemical waste or waste water.
These clear advantages are also confirmed by the figures: more than 80 plants have been installed and commissioned.
Carbotech Gas Systems
Carbotech is a leading company in the construction and installation of plants for the upgrading of biogas to biomethane. The company has been operating for over thirty years in the gas, and biogas in particular, treatment sector. Its PSA system, conceived and built by us, is one of the most frequently installed biogas purification systems in Europe.
Click here for more information about the company and its other projects.

I nostri prodotti
Produzione di biometano con tecnologia Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
Sistemi di impianto solidi per l’immissione in rete del biometano